Wednesday, 1 February 2012

food and mood

Days 4 and 5: I have been to work!!!!!! this has been a constant fight and every second I feel sick or am in pain or feel like i'm losing my mind. Food seems to be really important to me at the moment, almost a marker of how ill I am- I think if I keep going fueling myself then I can keep going. 

I have been continuing to manage my symptoms with supplements-my routine is currently:

Vitamin C x3 daily
High Strength Omega 3 x3 daily
Kalms/Valerian tea 
Nytol at night

I have also ordered some 5 Htp and will see how that works. 

My symptoms are moving more into the flu like ones that are often described-the headache is still a killer but I have had less brain zaps and my heart seems a bit more stable in my chest! I do seem to get shivers and sometimes my whole body feels as though it is clenched. Sleeping is Ok once I can get to sleep but I get very agitated at night and find it hard to get comfortable. 

Have been doing loads of research and trying to boost the foods I should be eating so my cupboards and fridge includes:

Tuna-rich in Omega 3 but I am taking supplements too

Whey protein, offered by milk and other dairy products, has also been shown to reduce SSRI withdrawal symptoms like anxiety and frustration (this may be why I am drinking pints of milk-mega cravings!!!)

Bananas - supply mood-boosting carbohydrates and vitamin B6.

Oatmeal (porridge) and sweet potatoes and loads of turkey that provide the amino acid L-tryptophan which also trigger the release of serotonin

Foods that provide the B vitamin folate, such as spinach, whole grains, lentils and beets, are essential for maintaining healthy serotonin levels.

Chocolate- comforting and well...its chocolate!!!

 Almonds and spinach, rich in magnesium which is a critical nutrient when it comes to fighting stress and anxiety

I also find that eating regularly (every few hours) helps as it keeps my blood sugar levels up.. I have a glass of milk in the morning and some almonds and raisins for brekkie.

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